We have been receiving quite a number of GARY FONG LIGHTSPHERES for warranty returns that are counterfeit products.
Here is how to spot the fakes:
- The counterfeits do not hold their shape.
- They are identified with a “petroleum” smell.
- There are spaces in the patent numbers engraved on the casing.
- The labeling on the strap is smeared and flakes off easily.
- The “buckle” attachment of the belt is wider and a different shape.
- The packaging does not include the printed instructional card or trademark lime green packing paper.
- The counterfeits have a white dye added into the mix.
These products are poor-quality knockoffs. Amazon DOES enforce counterfeit prevention, but they need to know about it. If you receive one, please report it as a counterfeit, and Amazon will satisfyingly shut down the counterfeit vendor. Please use this as a reference. Also – rely on established photography accessory retailers. If there are prices that are substantially lower than typically advertised, you’re probably purchasing a counterfeit. Thank you for spreading the word!
To learn more about how to spot counterfeit Lightspheres, and ensure you are getting a quality product, watch the video above.
To purchase a Gary Fong Lightsphere® Collapsible™ Generation Five, click here.
With gratitude – Gary Fong